Crossing Cold Creek 5x7 Blank Greeting Card

Cold Creek is located within the 275,575 acres of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Wheeler Pass Herd Management. The Cold Creek Herd is one is one of the final remaining wild horse herds near Las Vegas. The herd is made up of descendants of 1800s horse trade escapees and horses abandoned by Native Americans, Las Vegas settlers, and ranchers and prospectors in the area that moved to the Spring Mountains. BLM currently estimates a smaller population of 47-66 wild horses in the HMA. (information from Wikipedia)
The wild mustang's numbers have been depleted due to the recent roundups the BLM has enforced.
Proceeds from the sales of artwork help fund our efforts on behalf of America's wild horses. Help support and protect our wild horses, by reading more about the 2021 roundups throughout the United States at